Setting Training Goals for Effective Evaluation

Training goals are the measurable goals employees are expected to achieve through participating in a training course or program. Using these goals as the basis for evaluation ensures that learning outcomes are being met, and that the training is impactful in helping employees to develop skills they will use for their job, to better serve customers, and grow professionally too.

While the specifics of a good training goal can vary depending on who your target audience is and what kind of training you are providing, it’s important to create objectives that are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely). For example, to meet the ‘attainable’ part of SMART goals, you must define if a particular goal is doable or not. For example, a general goal to learn how to operate a new company software would be too broad and too vague. However, converting that goal to be able to create (action verb) task-dependant projects in Asana by the end of June could be achievable.

It’s also helpful to break down the training goal into steps that are more specific, such as learning how to create a new project from scratch. This will help the individual understand what they need to do to meet their training goal and will also make it easier for trainers to track individual performance and success in meeting training goals.

Creating training goals that align with business needs is a great way to ensure that the training you provide is actually making an impact in the workplace. Keeping training goals relevant to the work being performed will help employees feel more connected to the company vision and where they are headed. This will reduce turnover, as employees will feel more motivated to stay at a company that provides opportunities for professional growth.

If you’re having trouble defining your training goals, consider using Bloom’s Taxonomy as a guide. This pyramid model shows 6 levels of training objectives, with the most basic one being remembering facts and statements. To meet this training objective, you might have a course that includes quizzes or interactive practical tasks that ask learners to recall certain facts and information from the training. For example, creating a training course that incorporates a multiple-choice or true/false quiz is an effective way to measure whether or not your learning goal of “remembering” has been achieved.

As you’re creating your training goals, it’s important to keep them short and concise so they can be easily understood by everyone involved. Ideally, your training goals will be clearly written and should include an action verb that will allow for easy measuring of whether or not the training is working. For example, a simple goal to improve customer service would be more actionable and measurable than a complex goal like “become more customer-oriented”. It is also important to continually review and update training goals as needed, so they are doable and align with the work being performed. This will help to reduce employee frustration when it comes to learning and will keep employees engaged in the process. Träningsmål

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