A divorce lawyer can help you understand your legal rights and options when it comes to things like custody, property division, and spousal support. They can also give you advice specific to your case in light of divorce law in your state.
Finding the right divorce lawyer will require you to do some research and find an attorney who fits with your case, personality, and budget. Some attorneys charge a flat fee while others will bill by the hour. Some lawyers specialize in certain issues, such as child custody, while others may have experience handling more complex matters, such as the division of complicated assets.
You can get referrals from friends, family members, or coworkers who have gone through a divorce themselves or are going through one now. However, you should be mindful that your friend’s or family member’s situation may not match yours in every way. They may have different goals for their divorce or they may not be in the right headspace to share their thoughts objectively with you.
When meeting with potential divorce attorneys, look for one who is empathetic and shows understanding for the sensitive nature of this type of case. You want an attorney who can listen to your concerns and help you work through your best and worst-case scenarios in a realistic fashion. They should be respectful, knowledgeable about the law in your state, and professional in their behavior. They should also be willing to communicate clearly with you and provide answers in a timely manner.