Gallon per minute, GPM, is a common measurement used to express the volume of water that flows through a given passage. It is often used to describe the flow rate of pumps, showerheads, and other plumbing. GPM is also referred to as “water flow rate” or “water flow volume”. The unit is equal to 1 US liquid gallon (about 3.785 liters) or 231 cubic inches.
To calculate GPM, you can use a container such as a bucket, and time how many seconds it takes to fill up. Then divide the total volume of the container by the number of seconds and multiply by 60.
Pumps are typically rated by their GPM at a certain Head measurement, which relates to the height that the pump can raise water above a surface. The higher the Head, the more gallons it can move per minute.
Using our calculator, you can convert GPM into other units of measurement with ease. For example, you can easily convert LPM to GPM, BTU to GPM, and more. You can even find out how much power your showerhead uses, as we provide a GPM to Watts conversion calculator.
Enter the volume of your container in the first field, and select the unit of time you’d like to measure it in. Then, enter the flow rate into the last field. The calculator will display the result in the second field. To recalculate, simply click the reload calculator button below it. gpm to lpm converter