Best Treatments for Teeth Sensitivity

When you experience teeth sensitivity, it can feel like an unavoidable pain that keeps you from enjoying your favorite foods and drinks. The good news is that there are several reliable and effective treatment options available to help eliminate this problem.Dentist Robina

Tooth Sensitivity Causes

There are two overarching causes of tooth sensitivity: loss of the enamel that insulates your nerve and gum recession, which exposes the root of your teeth. Both of these conditions can lead to a tooth’s weakened ability to protect the nerve from cold, hot, sweet and acidic substances.

It is important to note that this discomfort can also be caused by gum disease and a buildup of plaque on the teeth. This is why regular visits to your dentist are essential for maintaining healthy teeth and gums.

Lifestyle Changes

To reduce your sensitivity, try to avoid drinking or eating acidic foods and beverages. This will help to restore the protective layer of your teeth’s enamel and reduce your sensitivity.

If you still have sensitivity after making these changes, your dentist may recommend taking a desensitizing toothpaste or fluoride gel that will block the transmission of sensations to your nerves. This can be a helpful solution, but it usually requires several applications before you start to feel relief.

Other treatments include a root canal, which is a treatment that cleans the inside of the tooth to remove decayed or damaged nerves. It is considered the most effective and reliable technique to eliminate sensitivity.

Your dentist can also prescribe a desensitizing mouthwash that will neutralize the acids in your mouth and decrease sensitivity. Another option is to use a fluoride varnish that will strengthen your teeth and prevent further damage to the enamel.

Surgical Gum Graft

If your sensitivity is specific to one tooth, your dentist may recommend a surgical gum graft. This procedure involves removing a small amount of gum tissue from other areas of your mouth and attaching it to the affected area. This will help to protect the root of your tooth from sensitivity, as well as the nerves and other tissues of the mouth.

Other dental procedures that can be used to treat sensitive teeth include crowns, inlays and bonding. These are a popular option when the problem is a result of a flaw or a crack that has damaged the surface of your teeth.

A gum graft can also be used to replace the lost tissue that has exposed the root of your teeth. The procedure can be performed in the office to minimize pain and discomfort.

The most common symptoms of teeth sensitivity are discomfort while eating and drinking cold or hot things, including hot coffee or tea. Some people can also experience a sharp zinging pain when they brush their teeth or floss their gums.

In some cases, the sensitivity is temporary and goes away on its own. In other instances, the sensitivity is permanent and can be caused by gum disease or a cracked or infected tooth.

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