A bad credit score can make it difficult to get approved for loans, get the best credit cards and more. It can also cost you a lot of money in higher interest rates or fees. Hiring a best credit repair service to dispute errors on your credit report can help you save money, get better loan terms and make it easier to manage your finances. But which company is the best one for you? With a slew of companies out there, it can be hard to know which ones are trustworthy. Here are some things to consider when choosing a credit repair company:
The credit repair process involves disputing inaccuracies on your credit reports with the three major credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian and TransUnion). Credit repair agencies can take on this burden for you, contacting the bureaus and creditors on your behalf. They can even counsel you on how to handle debt collections and other issues.
When choosing a credit repair service, look for a company that provides an initial consultation free of charge. These can include a full review of your credit reports and a detailed explanation of the errors that you can dispute. They should also explain their fee structure, including monthly charges and any additional costs you may incur. Be wary of any companies that demand payment upfront before performing any work, which is against federal law under the Credit Repair Organizations Act.
Another factor to consider when choosing a credit repair service is how many items they can potentially remove from your report and how quickly. A good credit repair service will be able to give you an idea of how long the process will take. They should also be able to tell you what percentage of inaccurate information can be removed from your report and the average credit score improvement they achieve.
If you decide to go with a credit repair company, be sure to choose one that works with all three credit bureaus and has an excellent customer service department. Look for a company that offers a low initial setup fee and a monthly plan with no hidden fees or interest payments. Finally, choose a company that offers a money-back guarantee if you aren’t satisfied with their services.
Lexington Law is a credit repair company with an excellent reputation and a high success rate in removing incorrect information from customers’ reports. They offer a number of different pricing plans, including a flat rate of $419 for six months and a monthly plan of $79 with no set-up fee. They also have an excellent support team that is available 12 hours a day via phone and email.
Lexington Law has been involved in some legal activity and is not BBB accredited, but it does have a high customer satisfaction rating with an A+ rating. However, some previous users complain about being charged more than they were told at the start and that they weren’t able to get their money back if they were dissatisfied with the results of their service.